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martial arts madmans
i'll make another madmans thread soon, since this has died. i'm going to tell right from the beginning that it will be updated, so maybe people will understand that it'll change after they post the first time.
My definition of a madman:

in my definition, a madman is a replay in which uke's arms and legs are detached from each other and the torso or a part of it from the shoulder/hip or further. uke may not assist by grabbing or applying force to joints, or by holding after the first dismem. premature relaxing of joints is allowed


feet are deattached, but both buttocks are attached to the same leg: yes, they are deattached from the hip

limbs are deattached, but a part of the torso is attached to one leg: yes, as long as a part of the torso is completely deattached, i'll call this one a madman

the head is still attached: yes, i would call this a madman, but propably not a very good one

the breaking of uke takes considerably more than 500 frames: yes, same as above

all 3 parts of the torso are attached to a limb: no, at least a part of the torso must be deattached from the limbs and preferrably the head

since my first madmans thread with all kinds of madmans, i'm starting this new one, with more specified madmans:

so, it is for martial arts madmans (mine and yours). i know, that toribash is sort of a martial arts game in general, so all madmans would be martial arts, but i mean madmans replicating the style of an existing real-life martial art.

here are the replays:

bad boy boxing madman: it starts with a brawlish boxing-style right-left combo, but carries on with a simplistic yet brutal kick (hence the "bad boy", as you aren't allowed to kick in boxing, but this doesn't look like kickboxing either). i created it with a fight in an alley behind a dirty bar in mind. i think this is my best (most stylish) madman

vale tudo madman: I don't know if this replicates what vale tudo really is like, but i made it as if pretending to play with Marduk in tekken 4... that'd mean over-exhaduerated, "overkill" moves. ironic as it is, this is still one of my fastest madmans, whereas Marduk is a slow and powerful charachter. another funny detail is that vale tudo, although being a martial art with it's own style, means "anything goes" in spanish (it's a brazilian sport, if i'm not completely wrong)

kickboxing madman: i originally made this to argument about what is a "boxing-ish punch" on another thread, but with slight editing (actually only adding a pose) i dare add it here, too. i think it embodies the style of kickboxing better than "bad boy boxing madman", but since it wasn't originally made for the cause, it may not be as accurate as the two above

Taek Kwon Do madman: Now i know that real Taek Kwon Do is charachterized by combo roundhouses, but they're right next to impossible in Toribash, so I made this as close (in my opinion) as possible. the outcome is a madman with most attacks being kicks ending in a fully extended knee.
Side note: ends in a stand

pro wrestling madman: Again, hard to replicate anything specific in a madman, but i tried to capture the air of it; simplistic, yet devastating attacks and a bossy, narcistic and taunting atmosphere.
Side note: I revived an old move of mine in this madman. it's called "The stretch". it's stretching a longish bit of uke to the limit and finishing it off with a kick. i originally abandoned it because of it's lack of speed, but here i was able to make it fast. i think it really adds to the wrestling theme

capoiera madman: In the beginning i had a hard time getting another rapid DM, but then i got a streak on and it went on like a metronome of death. The movements in the transition from DM to other are what makes this capoiera style.
side note: ends in a balanceish pose

Kung Fu madman: i've started this and will finish & add it later (possibly in monday, ossibly during the weekend). it'll have short, precise attacks, like kung fu
Attached Files
bad boy boxing madman.rpl (186.6 KB, 63 views)
vale tudo madman.rpl (242.7 KB, 44 views)
kickboxing madman (edited).rpl (258.6 KB, 33 views)
Taek Kwon Do madman.rpl (158.6 KB, 28 views)
pro wrestling madman.rpl (189.7 KB, 27 views)
capoiera madman.rpl (230.6 KB, 34 views)
Last edited by Archlurps; Dec 3, 2007 at 04:23 PM. Reason: definition of a madman
I refuse to grab.
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Both of those are great. I think it's good that established madman-makers (madmen?) are moving into stylised moves, rather than just fast dismembers. No matter how impressive a madman is, it's gonna get old eventually. Limiting yourself to certain styles is perfect for making more interesting attacks.
3vi1- actually, i don't know what the plural of "madman", meaning a toribash replay, is... i just put "madmans" instead of "madmen", cuz in my opinion, the latter sounds more like a person, and a bit too formal for a madman replay

splatter- right you are. i even need less editing to make these than i needed to make the old shitty ones. why don't you post one of yours here (yes, the "and yours" in the first post means that you may post martial arts madmans (madmen?) too)
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
Originally Posted by Archlurps View Post
3vi1- actually, i don't know what the plural of "madman", meaning a toribash replay, is... i just put "madmans" instead of "madmen", cuz in my opinion, the latter sounds more like a person, and a bit too formal for a madman replay

I mean the creator of the madmans, as opposed to the replays themselves.
aah... well anyways, it's still about the same argumenst: "excessive" formality and mixing up with "mentally ill people". i still prefer "madman-maker", cuz in "madmen-maker" the plural and singular conflict, and it also could in theory be understood as "a person who makes people mad", to a larger extent than "madman-mager". what i myself use for the purpose is "madmanist". it has the right mixture of sounding like a disease and precision... which actually are partially the same, madmans get you hooked once you learn them

i'm adding a third replay to the first post, just so you know
I refuse to grab.
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will do, Ishi, because i enjoy making them! btw, how come you have a custom text under your name? are you a mod or something?
I refuse to grab.
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