Original Post
+Bad Bear
Hi my name is Tori309. Ok, there was this guy named bearstyle and he challenged e to a dule for 1k. I accepted. It was going 1-1. THe next match I won and he suddenly said that he got glitched. But it was alright. And a friend of mine there name Yukio saw it too with his own eyes. I won and got to 2-1. It was until 3 points. Then he started complaining that he got glitched. So we started to discuss and he went to do something ( didnt go away from room ).
Then me and Yukio were playing and he just quited like nothing happened. And that is a infraction and a disqualify. He didnt even pm me. Other acc is trials10. ( He is from clan Aeon )
Sorry TheAnimal, I had to do it. ( Sorry dude. He made me do it )
The one in the photo is not Bear.

Sorry I couldnt take pictures about the conversation. Ill ask my friend Yukio if he has them.

I wrote that Bear is disqualified because he didnt come in 10 minutes.... THen he instead of asking why ,he just quited and didnt even send me a pm.
Last edited by Fee; Apr 13, 2010 at 11:37 PM.
RIP [duck] Aug 28 2011 - April 20 2020
Ok. Thx my friend but Ill wait for a Smod's answer. He just quited because of 1k -_-
RIP [duck] Aug 28 2011 - April 20 2020
yes, i wittnessed this. they duelled in a best of 5 for 1k (3 for the win) bear started complaining after the third match (2-1 for tori) that he had glitched but it looked like he just spaced the first turn. he posted the replay on the forum with his alt trials10 to get an impartial opinion on it. then he returned , told tori to wait and then left after approx. 10 mins or so eventhough tori told him they would start over at 1-1.

EDIT: not convinced this is the right place for this.
Last edited by Yukio; Apr 13, 2010 at 10:15 PM.
proud member of [L]
And then he left.

Edit: Its the right place. This does go in Support.
Last edited by BioEx; Apr 13, 2010 at 10:17 PM.
RIP [duck] Aug 28 2011 - April 20 2020
Read v
As of now, the Market Squad will no longer support duel reports.

The reason for this decision was the high volume of reports we were receiving, that ultimately hamper our ability to perform actual Market-related moderation. As duels 1.) are not Market-related and 2.) do not result in actual loss of anything to the individual, we've decided (with Nabi's approval) to stop supporting them. Furthermore, in the vast majority of cases the offending party does not have the credits to pay for the duel, which overall wastes our time (as we may not refund credits which did not exist in the fist place).
From this point forward, duels are strictly a player-to-player agreement.
Any currently open duel reports will not be addressed. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Please redirect discussion of this decision to the Policy Discussion thread.

OK thank you LordxDeath. But can someone do something with this?

THat Bear needs to be infracted or something.
RIP [duck] Aug 28 2011 - April 20 2020
That what lord quoted meant, since you didn't payed him before the duel, you didn't lost money. So there happened no actual crime.
Basically said nothing will(need to) be done.

Fura: What can I say? The pure definition of cool <3 ~BirdFlu

<RedDevil> Is it strange that Fura is the only regular Wibbler I like
Ohey look over there, a dancing dinosaur. :D
hanz0: The betting bot isn't programmed to scam anyone.

Fee: Fura you are fucking awesome.
No, actually this sounds like one of those "he's a quitter, make him banned" threads now that Fura pointed that out.

This is no crime: it's just something you have to deal with. There's always going to be people that do that. I know how upset you feel, trust me.
Just dust it off and get over it. It's not that bad.