Original Post
[Q]uestion: Signatures
would a thread pertaining to putting someones name in a signature for a monthly fee be
A) legal
B) appropriate for the Market area

if it is both of those which part of the Market forums would it be in?
Mammary Gland Holders of the Humanoid Lifeforms Commonly Known As, Homo Sapiens.
Asking for or Offering Advertising Services (i.e. "You pay me X and I put Y in my signature/avatar/usertitle/posts/whatever")

Taken from the global Market rules.
Originally Posted by darkdoom1 View Post
would a thread pertaining to putting someones name in a signature for a monthly fee be
A) legal
B) appropriate for the Market area

if it is both of those which part of the Market forums would it be in?

It's really only appropriate in wibbles, but without the fee.
Not Fee above me. Nothing is good without him.
I got and infraction for trying to help someone xD but is ok i learn my lesson
this happen like 30 minutes ago
Ty KitFox

^what are those words up there? I didnt post those...

crap i should have looked there
Im rlly glad that i posted here instead of just opening up the thread i was gonna make!

this can be closed now.

so If i do it for free it is legal then?

Merged. ~Fee
Last edited by darkdoom1; Apr 14, 2010 at 03:59 PM.
Mammary Gland Holders of the Humanoid Lifeforms Commonly Known As, Homo Sapiens.
Ask people to put links in their signature for free? I would do that in Wibbles and I doubt you'll get a response. Also don't double post.
1st of all I was gonna put stuff in MY signature for free not ask for someone to put in anothers.
2nd I didnt double post. That other post was a response to Murmayder.
Last edited by darkdoom1; Apr 14, 2010 at 04:04 PM.
Mammary Gland Holders of the Humanoid Lifeforms Commonly Known As, Homo Sapiens.
Originally Posted by darkdoom1 View Post
1st of all I was gonna put stuff in MY signature for free not ask for someone to put in anothers.
2nd I didnt double post. That other post was a response to Murmayder.

Yeah, use the edit button please and thank you.

Ok, but still I wouldn't post that in the Market, I'd keep it to Wibbles.