Well, Demon is grayish-black in colour, Void is pure black and Hunter is a really dark green (from the shop icons at least), that would be the main differences. There is the QI restriction too: Demon requires 20k QI (Custom Belt), Hunter requires no QI and Void requires 20k QI (same as Demon)
Like Rukor said, Demon is grey-black and Void is all black. Now Hunter is dark green and shiny. Another fact is Demon and Void needs 20,000 QI, while Hunter is 0 and +.

Your previous post was deleted for a reason. There is NO NEED to post an awnser that has already been given. Don't do it again. ~marcus
Last edited by marcus; Apr 18, 2010 at 06:24 PM.
Also, demon is duller than void. Void has absolutely no reflection on 3.8 and version behind it. While demon can have different tones and shades in 3.8 and back.
Originally Posted by Stickicide View Post
Hunter (ish)

hunter is green dark, does not look like the color
-::Always will fight for you, I'll be a knight in the stars trust.

I have hunter relax, it looks more like this.

The question has already been answered. No need to post your own tori wearing it. Take note of this as a warning. ~Aspire
Last edited by Aspire; Apr 19, 2010 at 04:40 PM.