Original Post
Katana tournament?
So, since I love katana.tbm and rustedkatana.tbm, and since I entered what I thought was a Katana tournament only to have the mod change and me lose (HUCK) , I'm thinking i'll put on a tourney. But before I do that, I need to gauge interest. So, who would like a Katana tournament to be held?

It seems like Katana gets enough love that it could be good. Just need to know who is interested!

If you'd like to help host or offer prizes, also post here.

Katana League
The Aikido Team
Well know you've pretty much said what you want to do why don't you make a simple event? With prizes and stuff so people participate in it, set the days and hour when the event will be held and tell everyone.

If you want to have a Katana tournament you'll have to make it ;o
...truth be told, cause I suck at events lol. I'm hoping that someone who has experience running events will be interested.
Katana League
The Aikido Team
Alright so, if you need some help come to IRC, there I could help you or advice you if you want, this isn't the right place to post this.