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[SET]Arrow set
my new set.

maker: me
inspiration: Avatar The Last Airbender
program : abode fireworks cs4
sory for no shader :/

The head looks great, and I like the arrows, but the set overall looks too plain.

The head is nice.
The chest,thighs and legs are kind of shitty.
Bad screen shots by the way.
The hands should at least be red.
Fingers kind of don't fit it. As if you made an avatar,a mad avatar...
In and out sides are not mirrored properly from the breast to groin texture.(Forgot to mention that it is one picture.)
Don't see the highlights and shadows,it isn't very good man,try to improve yourself with the words a wrote you up there.
All in all 3/10.
"Philosophy of mankind are pink dreams of a blue planet" ~Lexx
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Originally Posted by Huck View Post
The head looks great, and I like the arrows, but the set overall looks too plain.


that was my intention, I wanted something simple
Hm, the head is almost perfect, taking of all parties pixelated and everything else ... I loved the idea of these arrows.
And the torso ... is not well mirrored, as you can see, try to fix it.
The rest, i didn't like much, the tissue such are all the same, this is very, very strange, if not well mirrored.
Overall, 4/10, by creativity.
hand should be at least red, with the same effect used in the tricep i think
the rest don't fit so good with the head.
overall 5/10 by creativity, but i think, that if you make a set in the same style of the head it would be better

head 8/10
Originally Posted by filipe994 View Post
Very good set.
I like the head

ty , Seems to me that you were the one who liked the set