Original Post
+I need some help connecting to servers.
So I've been in the hospital since last Friday and decided to try to play Toribash off of the free wifi service here. I connect to the wifi and open the game. The server list comes up as empty.

Please, any help would be greatly appreciated as I have found out that hospitals are booooooring.

What version of toribash are you using? You should be using version 3.88, download it if you don't have it.
I have connected to Toribash before on this computer. The version and the computer aren't the problems. I have a feeling that the server has the Toribash servers blocked.
sounds unlikely if it can find the servers, also if you don't have version 3.88 then you can't be sure it's not the version that's the problem.
I never said I didn't have 3.88... I have it and have connected to it before multiple times on this computer. So as I said, it's not the version or my computer. The only difference this time is the ISP which is a free wifi service at the hospital.
They have probably closed a few ports to block employees from gaming or something. I doubt if you can open ports on the router on the hospital, too, so you'll just have to wait till you get home. Get well soon!
Yeah, it'll probably be the firewall or port settings of the hospital's wifi. In the same way that school or library networks have certain types of sites blocked, so do hospitals. You probably won't be able to play any online multiplayer games until you get home, though :P
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.
Most that I tried were blocked as well. However, I've been discharged and don't have to worry about it anymore so, yeah.

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