Original Post
Lawrence's SP Replay Thread
So I finally decided to post some replays up.
Lawrence vs Uke: The story goes as follows, Uke and I were hanging out and decided to start practicing our freerunning. After a few flips I got bored and decided to trip Uke. Once he got up I realized he was angry and wanted revenge, so I socked 'em in the face. He started to run away then figured he could take me and came back for more. After pushing him to the ground, he kicked me a few times and then knocked me to the ground, as he was getting back up I greeted him with a kick to the face. Before he had a chance to get back up I kicked him and then punched him assuring that he wouldn't be coming back to bother me.
Edit: Mod is ongbash_objects.tbm

Lawrence Tricking:
After Tiff told me about tricking I decided to try it out, this was the result.

Law Tricking Edit:
Same thing except I incorporated a corkscrew for the corkscrew flip competition.

Law Tricking Final:
Just for you, Tiff (and the sake of the competition), I finished out my entry.

Lawrence Likes to Flip:
Me flipping around in another one of ongbash's mods.
Mod: Ongbash_flip_mod.tbm
Attached Files
Lawrence vs Uke.rpl (554.3 KB, 50 views)
Lawrence Tricking.rpl (247.9 KB, 30 views)
LawTricking Edit.rpl (203.3 KB, 20 views)
law tricking final.rpl (264.8 KB, 14 views)
Lawrence Likes to Flip.rpl (360.9 KB, 12 views)
Last edited by Lawrence1; Jun 6, 2010 at 04:15 AM.
I'm only gonna rate one,
1. I like this, nice free running, pretty good. The fight could've used so more realistic hits though
Strictly a replay maker with a LOW amount of tc. (;
Lawrence's Dance Replays
I started dancing for the Toribash Dance Club org, so here's my vids so far.
They tend to get better as they go on...
Attached Files
Lawrence Dance1.rpl (335.6 KB, 20 views)
Lawrence Dance2.rpl (342.3 KB, 11 views)
Lawrence Dance3.rpl (303.4 KB, 10 views)
Lawrence Dance4.rpl (251.2 KB, 10 views)
Lawrence Dance5.rpl (255.0 KB, 9 views)
Lawrence Dance6.rpl (294.6 KB, 10 views)
Lawrence Dance7.rpl (311.9 KB, 13 views)
law you rock i only watch the first 3 =]

the first one was the best..it was just sexy as crap imo 9/10

second one was very very nice...you did awesome flips and landed them perfectly 9/10

third was was bad..i didn't like the edit you did don't get me wrong that corkscrew was awesome but the replay it self was to short and i expected more 7/10
[WcG] [OLDA] [RL] [BRO] [WL] [SKL] [iG] ~[Aeon]....MOBI is BLACK and SEXY!! FTW
@Tiff Yea I feel the same, I just wanted to get it done for the comp, aisle probably edit it later and finish it off.

@Cube Thanks man
This is why your in Atlantic ^_^

I absolutely LOVED the tricking and you VS Uke, but they were a tad stiff and you punched with your elbow extended.
| tom |
You have perfect flips and your speed is amazing. your dancing is litterally godlike and you switch from flips to running pretty well.

Good job.

Lawrence vs uke I cant be asked to dl the mod :3
Last edited by notnoob; Jun 3, 2010 at 12:04 PM.
Sold my dog to join RRO