Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
+Abusing player on clan discussion !
I report plotsalot for abusing and complaining on everyone of my clan for 10pages ! ya i know thats epic go see page 68 to 78 and please give him a good ban cuz he's saying then the first one wasn't enough -.- and i want to know ... does all the shit he posted could decrease our chance to be official ??

thanks for replying and reporting him !

here it is watch page 68 to... the end
Last edited by DJEKING; Jun 5, 2010 at 12:56 AM.
If you report someone, you don't need to post it here, this is what the report button is for, report him using that button, once and only once, someone will get around to checking it. This is not where this kind of thing belongs.
ok thanks dyou think it could get my clan less chance to be official and can't we block him from our thread? cuz he's anoying and he dont stop .. ppages took from 70 to 80 in less then 24h !!!!
Kick him out of your clan. If he continues to post then report it. Alternatively stop arguing over trivial little things and have the sense to sort it between yourselves rather than involving moderators.

Originally Posted by DJEKING View Post
ok thanks dyou think it could get my clan less chance to be official and can't we block him from our thread? cuz he's anoying and he dont stop .. ppages took from 70 to 80 in less then 24h !!!!

Make it known in your [DSC] you have no intention of affiliating with him, then it won't be held against you.
ok thnaks but he's already kicked out but he still keep complaining he seam to be really mad because he got kick and so he is MORE complaining then before really this take forever and i did the report thing but im sure he will keep saying shit

is tehre a fastest solution we are having a clan war ! WOw really i need a quick idea