Original Post
[R]Comic/Cartoon Demon Set
I would like to request a set. I can pay up to 100k for it. If nothing is suitable I won't pay for anything.
As for specifications, My head will not change unless you want to alter my current one. As for the set I would like it to look like my picture in rift with the colors shaman and pure. I would like accents on the skin such as spikes and the horns on my head obviously pure. In all, Try your best and good luck. Thanks!
My current head:
Last edited by Kryo; Jun 6, 2010 at 07:05 PM.
I'm going to wait to see other submissions that might arise. But I like your sets I presume the second one is the one your wearing?
look around*

i think i am the only one here who is a demon set holder

i only buy demon /void sets
I can make a similar set to the first as I did make the first one.. Plus I'm actually starting on a new devil set at the moment and can easily move to shaman and pure.
Well if you must make a head make it look my current one only with details if that fits the set.
For the body textures I'd like them in 512x512 as, If the items ever come out it would be nice. Just try not to make it too detailed as other players would see it really blury.