Original Post
G'day everyone.
G'day Just here to say Hello everyone. No point remembering me because i know ill be like a black sheep here. But Ill atlest try and fit in. And yes i'm an australian. Hope to meet you all ingame. I'm a green belt but ill be a blue belt soon. But i mostly get my arse kicked. But now i must leave Goodbye.
Hey InsaneBash,

You should never talk like that, you should be confident of yourself, most people get rejected because their immature but on the other hand, you'll do just fine, and I will most definitely remember your name.

Pretty nice to see another Australian, I heard Australia is perfect for holidays.

Practice makes Perfect, just click "Free Play" in the menu and just practice practice practice! You'll be the one who will kick arse soon.

Moving on,

If you ever seem to encounter a problem, just head over to the Support section of our forums.

Or you can check the Tutorial's section for some player-made tutorials to help you get started with the game.

Hope this helped,
good luck fitting in,