Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[DP] Death Plague recruiting
Want to join Death Plague? Well, this is the place! Fill in the application, make a post and you'll be considered either privately or publicly depending on if the votes conflict or not.

We are currently recruiting
Application form:
If you fail this application, you will not be taken into consideration for joining this clan.

Write one or two paragraphs about yourself.This is where you tell us about special in-game skills you may have, your personality, why you want to join, etcetera:
Best mod:
Referrals(who recommended you to join this clan):
How many times have you been banned or infracted:
Previous Clans:
Anything extra (Do you have anything else to add? Or special skills like making textures, video making, coding skills, etc.):
Also attach a singleplayer (classic.tbm) and a multiplayer (Classical mods or running) replay:
Please post your Stats Card, which is viewable at the "Shop" tab at the top of the screen:

If you fail this application, you will not be taken into consideration for joining this clan.

Clan Rules:
-No flaming.
-Must participate in events and in monthly tests. (Being thought out momentarily)
-You have to be active, both ingame and on the forums.
-You must be loyal to Death Plague. So don't even think about clan hopping.
- You should have fun. If you are not happy with us, you are free to leave.

What's This Clan About?
We are about having fun in this Toribash community, helping players, being with friends and just having fun!

What do we want/like in our members?

We don't care about belt, but we do care about how you influence other people about this clan. We like to have people with a skill of some kind, and a good personality. We also highly value nice grammar, which can be either something you develop as you are in this clan, or learning before hand.
Hi, I'm Tug23, And I want to join this clan.
-about me:I can usually make friends with anyone.I also like to help people (even if i can't help myself).I am a Black belt.I can usually do flips,or decapitations.I LOVE HACKING (it's one of my favorite past-times).
-Best mod(s):swords.tbm
-referrals:torikill10, avengd7x, kaleb123
-bans or infractions:0
-previous clans:optic
-specials:again as i said before, i LOVE hacking. my steam account name is vegito :P
(i don't know how to attach replays,sorry)
Stats Cardposted as a link) http://www.toribash.com/usercard/tug23.png
Hi i am bloodwolf112 i became intrested in toribash about 2 years ago. sadly my other acc got hacked/or my brothers changed the password/they hacked it i think your clan is small but it can grow into somthing very big all yo u need is a little advertisement and your all good i want to help you and become a respected member of your clan i may not be the best fighter but i am sure i can help in some way.

i do not currently have a fav/best mod i prefer foot mod

i have never joined a clan let alone interacted with one i prefer to stay away from those sorta things.

i do currently have a youtube acc with my friend we could do some advertising i mean we could help alot.

i do not have a replay of me running or on classic mods how ever i can do some on youtube but i would like to be in when i do it as a sign of loyalty really hope you consider my application and me being in this awesome clan..... thank you..... go compare.

Last edited by bloodwolf112; Feb 23, 2012 at 10:22 PM.