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Anesthetiks Avatar/WallPaper Shop!
Anesthetiks Avatar and Signature Shop
Hello, its Anesthetik here, i went sort of inactive with this shop and i decided to redo things in here, and i am currently going to be offering a few things! I will be making Wallpapers for Toribash, very high quality ones, they are worth the amount they sell for. And i will also be making avatars. There are a few things that i ask you look over before you start your posting. Look at this first post, i will not accept any requests that do not run in the proper format or give me specifics that i will need. okay?

Animated Avatars: 200TC each
Non Animated Avatars: 200TC each
Wallpapers: 1000TC each

The prices you see here are the lowest possible i will accept anything for. if you want something done really nice and want me to put alot of time into it, and you have a toribooster, cough up some more change, these things arent the easiest to make, and i am only doing this if i get paid well for my services

What i need to know:
Here is what i need to know. Give me the info.

Name: put your name that you want to appear here, include clan tags in if you want them.
Avatar, or Wallpaper: please specify what one you want.
Replay: since it is toribash themed, provide 1 replay for a signature and either 1 that is very diverse or 2 that are diverse for the wallpaper
and thats all.

Things i have made:

Last edited by Anesthetik; Jan 8, 2008 at 10:53 PM. Reason: reopened shop
Nice, if i didn't have a nice avatar I would definitely buy one. Very cheap too.
can i buy a avatar i want it to have my name on it and the avatar i have rite now in very colors like dark red and black
with UNCE on the top and i want the front of my avatar only. no spinning
[23:19] <HebrewHamr> i'm catholic
I will take a sig and ava of... My toribash guy Ravenger killing uke on frame 527-525 of the provided replay kthxbai

with the text [Triforce]ravenger
Last edited by ravenger; Mar 30, 2008 at 01:15 AM.
^volcanoX, just tell me what you need and ill put it on it. that was the "what i need to know" part.

^ravenger. there wasnt enough motion going on in the frames you requested but i got something that looked close to that part. i hope it works, if not, tell me what you need done!

do those work out for ya? if not, just get back to me and tell me what you want done! hope they are good enough!

^ashaltaf, i cant work with that spinny head, could you get me the the actual 100x100 document of the head, that is what i need. and dont rush me, ill get your thing done once you get me what i need.
can u do something like u did for revenger but put ashaltaf on therE and UNCE there too
red plz
Last edited by ashaltaf; Dec 25, 2007 at 02:34 AM.
[23:19] <HebrewHamr> i'm catholic
yes, the colours are my choice, just letting you know, unless you post with what color specifications you want me to use.