Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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True Combat Elite
True Combat Elite, is a mod for Wolfenstein Enemy Territory.
It is similar to COD4, although lacking the graphics and weapon customization.
The game however, incorporates leaning. For example, you lean near cover.
A realistic fps with some slightly unrealistic elements.

Sadly, the game is slowly dying. Not having a major update in 3 years.

However, the main developer is working on "True Combat: Close quarters
combat" with many improvements.

At the most, only about 150 people are playing.
There are times when they drop as low as 30.
However, there are still some servers the are usually well populated, such as the Bodycount(Team Deathmatch) servers of TCE-massa and ak-47.pl

Video by ThaFrEaK


^ link for download and installation instructions ^

I hope a few of you guys try it out.
Don't read this.
Just, don't go in with too high expectations, or you may be a little disappointed.
Go in open-minded, with lower expectation, since its free.

However, I'll say that it features much better gameplay than many other free fps games.
Don't read this.
Lol, yeah outdated graphics, but... It's free, and actually quite fun. Give it a shot, you don't have much to lose.
Don't read this.
This game seriously sucks. I mean I downloaded it about a year ago and I had absolutely no chance to kill anyone in any server.
True Combat Elite is very beginner-unfriendly and you must have played games like MW2 or something before to even get how to aim and how to shoot correctly whatsoever. Also the game kept crashing as soon as I joined another server or tried to join the opposite team. Additionally you (I) have absolutely no chance to shoot noscoped. By the time you click the zoom key, your enemy has already aimed at your left pupil and shoots the shit out of you.
I would not recommend it for people who like quick first person shooters such as Urban Terror, Counter Strike, Quake or anything. It's more of a tactical-camping game.

Yet it's nice that it's a free-to-download game.
Talk your shit, be yourself
play the cards that you've been dealt. -E-Dubble

Hxcbbqimo: you're german
Hxcbbqimo: so you don't count
Yeah, that happens. Quite a lot. And probably, it's one of the main reasons why it is dying. Since its so beginner unfriendly, many beginners feel discouraged and go elsewhere. It isn't quite a run-and-gun sort of thing. And.. you usually die with 2-3 shots to the chest. Or 1 shot with most snipers.

So, leaning is a necessity. Also, bad maps become terrible maps with this game.

Btw, crashing whenever you joined another server? That never happened to me before.
Don't read this.
Originally Posted by Shockwave View Post
This game seriously sucks. I mean I downloaded it about a year ago and I had absolutely no chance to kill anyone in any server.
True Combat Elite is very beginner-unfriendly and you must have played games like MW2 or something before to even get how to aim and how to shoot correctly whatsoever. Also the game kept crashing as soon as I joined another server or tried to join the opposite team. Additionally you (I) have absolutely no chance to shoot noscoped. By the time you click the zoom key, your enemy has already aimed at your left pupil and shoots the shit out of you.
I would not recommend it for people who like quick first person shooters such as Urban Terror, Counter Strike, Quake or anything. It's more of a tactical-camping game.

Yet it's nice that it's a free-to-download game.

Now, just because you suck at a game, you're forcing me to download it because you convinced me that it will be nice to go in and pwn people and run and gun and etc because I am pro. Thanks a lot, up til your post I was going meh this game looks dumb, but now that you said how much you was troll'd I needs to go in there. Thanks alot >.>
Originally Posted by isaac
Now, just because you suck at a game, you're forcing me to download it because you convinced me that it will be nice to go in and pwn people and run and gun and etc because I am pro. Thanks a lot, up til your post I was going meh this game looks dumb, but now that you said how much you was troll'd I needs to go in there. Thanks alot >.>

1. It's not only me who sucks there. It's basically everyone except for those who play it since there basically were no new players etc.
2. I'm not forcing ANYONE to download it. I'm doing the exact opposite: telling you NOT TO DOWNLOAD IT.
3. It's not my problem if you can't take criticism towards a game (not even towards you) OR take it waaay too serious. How about you download it and see for yourself if you like it or not?
4. "But now that you said how much you was troll'd I needs to go in here" -> What the fuck does that sentence even mean? Is it available in English too? I wasn't trolled by anyone and you don't need to go anywhere.
Your post makes absolutely no sense.
Talk your shit, be yourself
play the cards that you've been dealt. -E-Dubble

Hxcbbqimo: you're german
Hxcbbqimo: so you don't count

Originally Posted by Shockwave View Post
1. It's not only me who sucks there. It's basically everyone except for those who play it since there basically were no new players etc.
2. I'm not forcing ANYONE to download it. I'm doing the exact opposite: telling you NOT TO DOWNLOAD IT.

So youre telling people not to download it because u are bad at it and u think everyone else is bad at it too?
And at the same time u are wining that there are no new players?
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