Original Post
spinning decap....may take off own arm
Ok so heres a spinning decap but i coudnt figure out how to do it without taking off your own arm afterwards...

Demo settings

Hold all
Contract left pec
Extend right pec
Raise both arms
Right rotating chest
Space x 4
Lower left arm
Contract left elbow
Left hand grabby
Contract left pec
Space x 2
now whatever you want..
Re: spinning decap....may take off own arm
yeah it dosent decap. while fixing it i made this arm kick move though.

Hold all
Contract left pec
Extend right pec
Raise both arms
Right rotating chest
Space x 4
Lower left arm
Contract left elbow
Left hand grabby
extend right glute
extend right hip
contract right knee

it is different fom jackibenini's so be careful
Don't take life too seriously, you never get out of it alive anyways.
Re: spinning decap....may take off own arm
Originally Posted by JackiBernini
Ok so heres a spinning decap but i coudnt figure out how to do it without taking off your own arm afterwards...

Demo settings

Hold all
Contract left pec
Extend right pec
Raise both arms
Right rotating chest
Space x 4
Lower left arm
Contract left elbow
Left hand grabby
Contract left pec
Space x 2
now whatever you want..

This move doesn't work. My guess is because you're telling us to contract where you meant to extend, but if you can't see how to fix it by testing it yourself you're obviously not testing properly.