Original Post
Can't Access Fight School/ToriShop?
Okay, I'm using the Mac PowerPC version on my PowerPC G5 iMac @ 1.8GHz. I load the game, it starts me in a match. Since I'm a noob and want to learn to play, I hit escape for the menu, fight school, and basic training. It closes the menu, and I see the two people standing there like at the beginning of the match. Tried it with the advanced modes, same thing. I thought about the ToriShop, and when i tried to go to that, it also restarted my match. I'm going to guess this isn't supposed to happen, so please help me out.
it is supposed to happen(restart match after going to torishop). You need to click arrow to proceed tutorial.
When I go to 'Basic Training'(NOT Toribash Tutorial, the walkthrough you get when you first play) there is no arrow to continue, let alone start, the tutorial. And when I click on ToriShop, not only does it reset the match, my head, arms, and abs pop off my body immediately. So, how to I do the training, and how do I get in the shop?
When you go into the shop those things DM because it wants to show you the blood color and the force and relaxes. It is for the previews.

And if you are having problems with the tutorials you may want to just try to re-download toribash. Thats the only thing i can think of.
so when i go into the shop, it should give me options and then demonstrate them in a match? Because thats not what happens. I hit escape for the menu, click on ToriShop, and it shows my guy basically being blown to bits...
yeah but it doesn't really give me a choice of a preview, and to me, it looks the same. i don't have an option to buy, etc.
Pics of before and after. Note i clicked on torishop.


Ignore the camera notes, trying to take a screenshot using shift-command-4 makes the camera operate weirdly because of the camera controls.
The ingame torishop function is very buggy. You are meant to explode like that, but a side bar should come up telling you what items you're seeing and allow you to preview many colors.

I experience the same bug, I recommend buying your items on the online shop, here.
Alternatively, you can put up a buying thread in the market items board, located here (be sure to read the rules sticky thread, there's a bunch more stuff in addition to the ordinary global ones)
but be sure to check out the average price in the market/dealfinder to make sure you're getting a good deal, or if you want to buy it immediately out of a shop.

As for the basic tutorial, normally you get a low bar overlay across telling you what to do, with a continue button to advance the tutorial. It may not be showing up due to lag, so wait a few minutes. If that doesn't work, try rebooting or re-installing toribash, your download may have borked somehow.

Oh, and why your camera messed up.
1. is the default rotatable camera that orbits the center.
2. Is the free moving camera, that can shoot from many different angles but takes some experience to use
3. This is the view in which you see through uke's eys, always looking at tori's head.
4. Reverse of 3.

As for taking a painless screenshot in toribash, you'd have to consult another Mac user.

Sorry for any useless or unnecessary tips, hope all of this helps!
Last edited by Boredpayne; Jul 8, 2010 at 01:45 PM. Reason: grammar errors
well, thank you. I dont think for the tutorial that the problem is lag because my 'next move' silhouette still appears at the proper pace and the game is running at around 30fps. I tried re-installing, to no avail. Didn't know about that store on the website though. Thanks