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help ! 'toribash win32 error'
days ago i was playin tb and kickin ass ...after few hours i opend the pc again and i got this error

i couldnt do anythin to make it work again i installed tb again ! and it worked ....
but only till i close it (the error comes again when i reopen the game )
i thought at first its my windows dying ...cuz many progs did this

so i installed new windows ! .....but same happins again
i did virus scans + updates + anti spy bla bla .... but still

i was kinda bored so i installed 5 windows's in those last days D: !!!!!!! (thats right 5! )
now only tb does this ...the other progs dont do this error anymore
i have to install tb every time to play it D:

wat i should do ? i have lost all my replays and every thin =\ ....its damn annoying

1. disconnect your computer.
2. get a sledgehammer
3.SMASH it to bits.
4. Get a new computer
5. Problem solved.

Seriously, I don't know. Vista sucks ass when it comes to toribash.
I'm the Juggernaut, Bitch!
Originally Posted by toritori9 View Post
1. disconnect your computer.
2. get a sledgehammer
3.SMASH it to bits.
4. Get a new computer
5. Problem solved.

Seriously, I don't know. Vista sucks ass when it comes to toribash.

sometimes i really wanna do this D: !!

but i dont have vista ...i have sp2 now

is this when you open through shortcut? try opening through direct. (by going intoo c documents toribash 3.06 and such. tell me if that works really quick..
i tryed this before....same error comes again =\

so i should install .net framework ?

Originally Posted by Function-X- View Post
so i should install .net framework ?

It's a good idea to do that anyway, even if it doesn't help with this.
"Call yourself alive? I promise you you'll be deafened by dust falling on the furniture,
you'll feel your eyebrows turning to two gashes, and your shoulder blades will ache for want of wings."
It also might be a virus.
Check the file size before running it (when it works) and afterwards (not the size on disk, but the real file size)