Size (512x512, 256x256, 128x128 ) -128x128
Colors - Marine layer plating on the back and a front big plate that is white with cobra
Quality(Epic, Good , Low) - good
Style - Like your white robotic example...
@AnWrath when i receve the tc i send the flat...

@shadowXcor im going to start urs ,u cant expect teh same quality whrn u asked for a 128x128 good head, but will be very good
Size (512x512, 256x256, 128x128 ): 512x512
Colors: Void, Acid and Helios.
Quality(Epic, Good , Low): Fucking Epic
Style: Make me a head similar to the first example. Realy, that pwns. Also, PM me about a possible partnership. It might work.

Fixed for you kind sir.

Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Colors: well I have no absoulute colors yet.
Style:I'm gonna have a half tetris half pacman set. So be creative. Maybe like the head in the 2nd link. Like have the helmet be dedicated to tetris and pacman. And if u do pupils make them look like pac-man.
Last edited by MIMZ360; Jul 14, 2010 at 06:09 AM.
kk... i have 3 heads for do now give me a week to finish ,and i wont the next request will need to wait i finish those heads