Original Post
[A] Robotic Void/Acid Head
Hey there im selling this kind of Robotic Void/Acid Head (im just selling this head texture once i just make it in all sizes so everybody can bid on it)

Start Bid: 500tc
min raise: 100tc
Autobuy: 2k
End Date: 48 hours after last bid
size: 128x128 256x256 512x512
lebabris is in the lead with 500tc

happy bidding
Last edited by FHxleader; Jul 21, 2010 at 11:57 PM.
ok i resized it and the lines a very (pixelatet?) sry for bad english so i'll fix it now. if i fixed everything should i send you the spinny via PM?

For your records...

You've sent 500 toricredits to FHxleader

please send the flats in every size