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[IMG] First Vector
100% hand made.
My first try (at vectoring) so it's not that good.

With background:

I will be trying to do this with someone with textures soon.

Not to bad,

some good points :
* atleast you got the proportions right
*It isn't one of those crappy ms paint vectors.
*it looks clean.
Some Parts that could be cleaned up a bit:
* if you didnt' use a ref pic, use one, just make the vectored bits on a different layer.
*Make the shading on the legs more curvy, the way you did it makes it look rather boxy. And on the arms, don't put the shadoes on top unless the light is coming from the center of the tori :P If the light is on top, the shadows go on bottom. ;o

Overall, it's VERY good for a first, comparing to a lot of recent ones, nice work
DO NOT ADD A BACKGROUND. When you have moar experience vectoring you could.

Pero cuando comienzas los backgrounds se ven horrible. La cabeza de arriba quedo un poco pixelada, que programa usaste btw?
Gimp, I used a picture of uke as the background, when I finished I deleted the pic of uke, that's why I got the proportions right, I guess.
Bio: Thanks, would consider those things in the future.
Ronnie, umad?
well, this really isn't a vector, it's vexel. (google it up, if you are interested)

But for a first piece this is really good. I hope you won't get too proud about these comments and start being lazy on the vectoring :|

Keep up the good work
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