Original Post
[SHOP] The Forum Appearance
Welcome to Praeter's avatar and signature shop, the forum appearance.
Here you will receive good quality avatars and signatures, the avvy and sig together is called a forum package.

The prices are very cheap, the precise prices are below..
Avatars cost from 1,000 TC to 5,000 TC.
Signatures cost from 2,000 TC to 6,000 TC.
Forum packs cost from 5,000 TC to 15,000 TC.

Here are some examples of my latest work...
For faint:
For God:
For ImYou:
For Aikanaro:
Please bare in mind that some of these were made very lately and the others were made months ago.
I will not put up the requests as examples.

Request form?
This is the request form to make it easier for me to understand what you want...
What (Tori, anime etc.?):
Colours (I will add some if needed):
Background (Fractal, grunge, space etc.?):
Price range:
What again (Avvy, sig, forum pack?):
If you don't fill this in, your request will be ignored.

Thank you for visiting my shop, come again =)

If any bothers PM me.

50% off for Piratez.
Last edited by Praeter; Jul 27, 2010 at 03:20 PM.
Tint is sex.
This is the request form to make it easier for me to understand what you want...
What (Tori, anime etc.?): Despicable me Minion with a pirate hat on and it to say [Piratez] In the corner..
Colours (I will add some if needed):Marine/minon yellow as always/pure
Background (Fractal, grunge, space etc.?): space
Price range: discussed in pm
What again (Avvy, sig, forum pack?): Avvy

Link to many minons
Last edited by OpTiC; Jul 27, 2010 at 03:23 PM.
Your point is....?

EDIT: Here OpTiC...

Hope you like it.
Last edited by Praeter; Jul 27, 2010 at 03:53 PM.
Tint is sex.
ok theres some problems but its really cool!

-can you put a pirate hat on him
-background is....interesting??dosent go with the picture much want it like Gods background please...
-take out the optic dont need it ..

but other then those it looks great!!
You either give me a render with a hat or I can't do it, I'm not Bojan or Chris xD
You asked for space :V
Anyway k..
Tint is sex.