Original Post
C0LDHE4rt's Art Shop
Hello, everyone!
Welcome to my art shop.
I have some textures for sale. They are presented below.

- First model of exo-armour, called The Hammer

- Second generation of exo-technologies. Hunter

- The last exo-generation. (10-hours job of mine =P). Shade.

- Sacrifised. The unique type of cyborg.

- If you ever played Warhammer 40000, you should remember Banshee squad (Eldar race). This is result of my imagination - Corrupted Banshee

All heads are 7-10 k. No recolour. I can drow full set for each head for 50k if you want.

Now examples of my full sets (!not for sale!)

Waiting for your comments and orders. First customer will have 25% off ;-)
Last edited by C0LDHE4rt; Jul 28, 2010 at 05:46 PM.