Original Post
[Art] How to make Symetrical Heads in Gimp.

Well made a tutorial for a friend just some seconds ago, and its not the best but it helps :P

Notice: i do not know if this works in photoshop.

now the pics are in Norwegian but i have drawn some red lines to make it easier to understand ^^,

just follow the steps Carefully and Enjoy

1st. New File Size 512x512

2nd. Make the background the color you want. Noxious, Vampire etc...

3rd. do this: go Layers - Select New layer

4th. On the top of the window and on the left there should be a lot of numbers, See Help1


5th. Drag the line from the left to the center of the image which is 256, when you hold the line you
can see what pixel yuu are on at the bottom of the window, see Help2.

Help 2

6th. draw some thing on the right side of the line. like in Help3.


7th. right click layer#1 and then press Duplicate Layer, see Help4 and Help5

Help 4

Help 5

8th. Right Click New layer#2 and go Layer-Transform-Turn Horisontally like in Help6.

Help 6

9th. Right click the layers and combine down. Finished
Last edited by Zinx; Jul 31, 2010 at 01:44 AM.
Not tutorials material.
If someone wanted to know this, they could post in Request a Tutorial.
T1cux: clan have eggs.