Original Post
Hello Everyone Im SuperSquirrel, Shortened to SuprSqirel due to the 10 character limit, well im new im 16 and i tried this, im not not very good toribash but i like it so i will keep trying, i hope to learn from some people on the forum and practice myself, im shy and don't talk much so im not very good at making sentence's forgive me so anyway nice to meet all :3
Last edited by SuprSqirel; Dec 6, 2010 at 05:45 AM.
Hello, welcome to Toribash. Have fun, and get to know some people. I suggest you read the rules or something to help you start off.
Welcome to Toribash guys. Bad time to join though, the forums just got hacked so everyone is a bit stressed out. Ask a ToriAgent(people with orange names) if you need any help.