Original Post
Originally Posted by tajuddin47 View Post
i hate to rain on your parade but you will never make it into ormo with that replay lmaooo

nuthugz is new,and that isnt very helpful.

Good luck with ORMO,but to tell you the truth,i think your gonna need a madman at least to get close to getting in,im in the proccess of going for ormo to.

Anyway,the replay had a nice core and spin 6/10.
Originally Posted by IceShadow View Post
Pro tip of the day:
Never name yourself after someone you can't paossible live up to.

Never said I would live up. So you reacting the way you did was immature and kiddish.
Umm these Replays arent up to ORMO standards to be honest because replay making needs proper stylish replays not the one you just done in like 5seconds (Unless you can make an epic replay in 5 seconds xD.
but they are ok replays seeming what 'Belt' your are.
Originally Posted by Imaxs View Post
but they are ok replays seeming what 'Belt' your are.

Still, though, belt levels doesn't matter. There are plenty of awesome replay makers that have low belts, like Rigellion (Black Belt) and Larfen (3rd Dan).

Stiff replay, but nice spin and kick. 5.5/10