Original Post
.:'Juni's 3D Shop':.
Hi! This is my 3D shop! I have no examples yet since i gotta make some... But they will very soon come! I focus mostly on making shots of your tori with any weapon you want! I dont make walk cycles yet but i can get water flowing down onto your tori or i can add a smoke explosion to the barrel in a short animation (It looks kinda like a shot gets fired)! So yeah thats basically my description of the shop!

Now onto request form:

Tori: No/Yes
Weapon: Sword, gun, automatic carbine, sniper rifle if any kind of gun tell me name of the gun for example if I want an M16 i would add M16 after automatic carbine!
Smoke: Barrel shot effects, smoke from tori's "bodypart here" or smoke coming from underneath tori!
Animated: No/Yes
Walk Cycle (Im not so good at walk cycles but i can try): No/Yes
Any special pose: Just describe one!
Price range: Tell me what you wanna pay!
Anything you want to add: Tell me here what you want that arent in form!
Size: Tell me dimensions! (P.S i will render in full HD size but then resize it for best result!!)

You wont pay til you have seen a watermarked example you cna paay before example if you want!

First request free as long as it isnt animated!

If you want a custom joint render just tell me material and stuff like that!

I wont make a copy of any work by someone else!

Please add a pic of a stick figure or any other pic of an example on your pose! For example the stick figure hipo used to describe his pose:

Happy Requesting!
Last edited by junibug; Dec 13, 2010 at 10:15 AM.
first request is free ?
i want my tori posing with a two swords on each hand
Last edited by hipotibor; Dec 13, 2010 at 09:54 AM.
Tori: Yes
Weapon: 2 handed Sword
Smoke: Flamin Sword
Animated: No
Any special pose: Just when my tori Slashing
Price range: Free
Anything you want to add: A wings in my tori ( if u can ) black and white color

Originally Posted by Blackacezi View Post
Tori: Yes
Weapon: 2 handed Sword
Smoke: Flamin Sword
Animated: No
Any special pose: Just when my tori Slashing
Price range: Free
Anything you want to add: A wings in my tori ( if u can ) black and white color


Ok.. i have to do the animation of smoke process anyway to get fire but thats ok since i dont have to lock my pc for like 50 minutes to render an animation... so its free and the wings is just a maybe since ive never tried wings and i need an example picture of the pose or a better description!

Originally Posted by hipotibor View Post
no animated,just a pose of my tori with swords

somethin like that

Ok... it will be made after blacks pic since he requested first it will be finished before i make yours but it will be about an hour of work to be finished with both...

Do i have permission to take your textures out of custom folders to use on your tori's?
Originally Posted by hipotibor View Post
Yez,my request was first right ?

It was first then my mistake...
Black you will get your pic after im done with hipo's!
Originally Posted by Blackacezi View Post
so....i'm not free...?

Yes you are since my pc doesnt have to lock like 50 minutes just rendering animation now its a single frame render...

So its free...