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How to do that helicopter kick
Hey I was wondering if anyone could teach me the helicopter kick PLZ. If you could put a combo with it THANKS!!!!!
It's a very situational thing. Basically you just wrap up everything in one direction and then reverse it. If you can keep some looseness to it, it will be smoother, potentially faster, and look better in replay.
You have to learn how to do these things yourself. Mess around with the joints in single-player, and try to understand what each of the joints can do. Then, put them to the test in multiplayer. Have you read our wiki?
there are a number of ways to heli kick. try experimenting with your joints
[fl0w][OoT][OLDA][Team Wushu]
yupp you need to learn on your own bro when i was on free play i was trying to do a nuthug kick and i notic that when you contract or extend your abs it looks like it and it does it o yeah and does anyone know how to find out an administrator password for a school laptop so i can play toribash
its very simple. When you are head down then raise arm and turn every joint the same way. Then you got it.