Original Post
Deddalt Custom Head Shop
Now that I'm back from Florida, I'll be happy to make custom heads for you guys. Just post your request here or pm it to me and I'll get it done. The price will vary depending on difficulty. So I shall lay down the law.

Easy Head: 100tc

Moderate Head: 150tc

Difficult Head: 200-300tc

I'll do my best to match your exact specifications.


Primary Color:
Secondary Color:
Eye Shape: (Also availible: no eyes)
Hair (Y/N)
2 Options; Detailed or Cartoony

---- Selling for 100tc (bidding), minimum increase of 10tc

And the head in my avatar.
Last edited by Deddalt; Jan 28, 2008 at 05:18 PM.
Since it's not my shop, I won't directly interfere BUT: I suggest you put up preset prices. You might get ripped off and I can't do anything about it.
<Hector|Bday> for 3k tc
<Hector|Bday> I sold a photo of shit
Deddalt do you mind if I pm you what I want?

Cus there is alot of stuff i want on mine.
Belt: 3rd Dan Black
Xbox Live GT: iiNsane Rebel
Primary color: noxious
Secondary color: gaia
eye shape: not really sure here, do what looks good =P
i want an Artsy and Different head

i know these aren't very detailed instructions, but try and make a difficult head out of what i told you

arigatou gozaimasu!
Quite Right

We can reject your offer anytime for any reason we wish to make up. ~veb
id like a redskined demon with black evil frowning eyes with green glowy pupils, black emoish hair, grinning mouth and a blood stained white bandana, and could it be detailed? il pay for it if its better then my current head
Video killed the radio star.
Background Color: dark grey
Eyes color: dark red (glowing red)
Eyes shape: Circles
Mouth: Grining (showing teeth)
Hair: spikey

<Cindermomo> finnish people are so weird
<Cindermomo> go eat your trees
oh and i'll bid 110 tc on that black head under examples:
Quite Right

We can reject your offer anytime for any reason we wish to make up. ~veb
Unfortunately, I had to reformat my computer and I have lost PhotoshopCS2. I cannot find the disc to it. So my apologies to everyone.

BUT I did have the black tribal head in my photobucket so the bidding can continue for it.