Solid core, nice style and overall pretty neat. The flow could be better, as in after your first two booms, you just sort of floated for a while.

Overall very nice. 8/10

I'm surprised more people aren't commenting.
Priceless. The spinny fast thing at the start was awesome even though your left arm was like "Whoa, were should I go?" for a couple of frames.
I enjoyed all of the hits actually, they were all quite powerful and stylish, and the odd hit-longpause-hit-longpause-hit rythm isn't something people are usually able to pull off nicely but you clearly were.
I hope to see more trouts in this thread in a near future.

WHY IS THE REPLAYS BOARD SO DAMN INACTIVE? Silly people, not commenting on other people's threads.
We're still kids in buses longing to be free.
Good replay, I liked the spinny thing at the beginning, first and second hit were great, even though the first hit looked like it could have been done without grab, the pause between second hit and the last hit was way too long and for unknown reason, I didn't like the last hit.
[duck] 01101000 01101001 01110000 01101111 01110100 01101001 01100010 01101111 01110010
the spinny thing in the beginning was ok bt it would have been better if you didn't touch uke when you did it :P....all 3 attacks were hardcore specially hit #3...pose was ok =]...8/10 keep it up dude
wanna spar? pm me =]