Original Post
[TEX] New Robo
ok i was trying some new things with the robot style and here is the result...CnC (yes i am aware their's a line in the back...will fix later also the circles arent perfect because i forgot to use the circle select tool on em...i can also fix that)

Cannon Penis
nice but i think its too can fill in the dark gray parts with some more red
i like the "circle".. but the B...
the back of head is great and the front top also!
Ya the b was for blancester...I couldn't think of anything else to time I'll try to add a lot more detail...
Cannon Penis
Overall pretty nice. The "B" is a little sloppy looking and 1 is facing backward, though.
!iCoF4Life Since 01-01-2011!
|Marketeer - Sorta|