Original Post
The power of the Sam.
Yeah, I don't release replays much, but I just decided to do this was cuz it was kinda cool.

I attatched the .rpl version,

or go to
to watch the mega laggy non-shaders crap version.
Attached Files
samulerawrz0r.rpl (101.6 KB, 28 views)
<PlayerID666> samule is the coolest guy around
Uh, I have an AMAZING replay with JePoY, I just have to find it...

EDIT: Here's an ok movie and an AWESOME replay with jepoy.

Okish movie

JePoY replay attatched.
Last edited by Samule; Apr 3, 2008 at 02:14 AM.
<PlayerID666> samule is the coolest guy around