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[VID]Reach Clan Vid WIP
Hey guys, heres the vid for the reach clan , it is incomplete though
It was made by Cruzer05, not me
Heck, I cant insert proper vids lmfao only links
Gamer Of Gamers
Pendulum is WAY over used better change song, Intro is too long ... you need to work on music by shorting it (if you want to Pendulum stay here what i think you don;t want)
Change it for something not used yet
Work on your camera movements cause it was pretty boring ...
it's a WIP tho
<iRookie>This clan got a lot of epic members, such as missuse and Aj, Pulse and Kaszanas, and I want to be part of them.
The black screen was way too long and did not fit what so ever. Slow motion was laggy, no sync at all and those transitions were just wrong.
But I get that it's still a WIP so I hope you fix it... a lot.
The second replay is actually my replay. Either that or it is one huge coincidence.
Attached Files
Ky - Flawless Splitcap.rpl (105.3 KB, 17 views)
Strictly a replay maker with a LOW amount of tc. (;
Originally Posted by kylan97 View Post
The second replay is actually my replay. Either that or it is one huge coincidence.

Clan leader stealing replays.
Low Blow.
No offence, but I absolutely hated this. Replays were overall bad, transitions were horrible, same transition every time,boring camera, overused song. Too slow on GEL0s replays. Intro way too long ( black screen ). Some parts of replays played twice because you must've not hit CTRL when you were making replays go faster, slower. Work on that.

Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up