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[Solved] This part of the ToriShop is currently down for maintenance
This part of the ToriShop is currently down for maintenance"
what is this ?
im cant sent the toricredits
I'm out

Well atm the transfers of the torishop are down. They are being fixed atm, so they should be back and running soon.
Thats one of the main toribash features - TC transfers, item transfers. I suggest putting a short message about tori-transfer repairs and unavailability of these services on the forums next time.
Originally Posted by Zinx View Post
It is when you try to go onto the tori-shop.

You see when you are running a sale and suddenly realize that you cant send TCs - you are stuck. And by putting the information on the front page you can prepare yourself or whatnot ask the customer to wait. Get what I mean?