Original Post
ive heard people talking about movesaver.lua many times, but a: toribash 3.9 dosent have it and b: how do i use it?

and how do you turn scripts OFF after you use them?
'David will do what David does. Love it or ask for a refund' ~Korban3, Overgrowth Secret Preorder Forum
Click here to download the move saver.Then go to your toribash folder, 'data' and put the file in the folder 'script'.

To unload scripts setup>utils>scripts then load the 'unloadscripts.lua'.
aaah... thanks! but i still dont know how to use movesaver... does it tell me like movie.lua?
'David will do what David does. Love it or ask for a refund' ~Korban3, Overgrowth Secret Preorder Forum
Originally Posted by ch4llt View Post
aaah... thanks! but i still dont know how to use movesaver... does it tell me like movie.lua?

The thread tells pretty much anything you need to know.
Originally Posted by Zas32x View Post
- Press F1 to open the list. Click with mouse to open the menu for selected item. Select the option. F1 to close.
- Write "/ec save MOVE NAME" to save a new move. (Without quotes.)
- Write "/ec save1 MOVE NAME" or "/ec save2 MOVE NAME" to save the move by player 1 or player 2. (Useful for multiplayer.)
- Write "/ec width NUMBER" to change the width of the menu. (eg. /ec width 150)
- Write "/ec set key" to change the menu key.
- Press U to quickly mirror the current move.

Tip: load the move quickly by double clicking on it.

Moves are saved in /data/scripts/moves.txt.

I quoted so you don't need to go to the thread again.