Original Post
[S] Funny head texture!
today offers you this funny head texture!
if you want to be in possession of that texture write here!
Cost for one texture is 100 tc

dziś proponuje wam te śmieszne textury głowy!
jeśli chcesz być w posiadaniu tej textur napisz tutaj!
koszt za jedną texture to 100 tc

troll face:
weee face:
poker face:
yellow fck yea:
All textures are in sizes 512 X 512
send me tc!
where tc will send you my account of those textures!
sorry for my English but I think you understand me ...
Originally Posted by iPoor View Post
see the age before you posting

i know the age of it, but if the guy still playing, i should ask.. i have all permission for ask a question
I can safely assume this is done and over with...

Please don't post in threads THIS old.

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم