Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
How do i report someone for leaving tournament
This dude clearly won and was 1 centimeter from DQ in twinshort swords and then he left and came back and said its because the dude used a noob move.
There is no way, afaik. The only way is to just avoid people who are known to do this. It's going to happen a lot, just try to not freak out over every little thing.

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No one can do anything without proof such as screenshots. Should you have some, PM it to an SMod. If you don't, sorry.
Take a screenshot, and pm it to someone with a blue or red name. ( but just to let you know, no one is going to give a SHIT because this is just one of those things that can't be helped, and no one cares about it enough to deal with it, afaik )
Dude relax and just let it go I have seen so many people do that especially in tourney finals so what I do is instead of raging I try to completely destroy my next opponent and then just let it go and try to win another tourney, or something.
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Originally Posted by Rayleigh View Post
No one can do anything without proof such as screenshots. Should you have some, PM it to an SMod. If you don't, sorry.

Originally Posted by Bio View Post
Take a screenshot, and pm it to someone with a blue or red name. ( but just to let you know, no one is going to give a SHIT because this is just one of those things that can't be helped, and no one cares about it enough to deal with it, afaik )

You can't actually do anything about that. PMing anyone with screenshots wont help, as it is not against the rules. Just extremely faggy.
Thanks for the Avatar, MrAakash