Original Post
Cool throw

I have been playing this game for two days now, and I manage to do a cool thing ^^

Take a look, I think it is nice anyhow, especially when I only have play the game for two days.
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Slice n Throw.rpl (70.2 KB, 67 views)
It's pretty good for two days- at that point I was still doing 100-200 damage and being like "WTF I AM GOD"
»You just wasted 5 seconds of your life. Congratulations!«
[m] - 2/29/2008 - Never Forget
Not bad at all! The main thing is that you relaxed all, which is a good thing.
But try to only attack with your fists/feet, since they (Obviously) don't get damaged.
Body parts (Not joints) are valid too, but should be used sparingly, since the
velocity you can get on them is limited, and they do recieve damage.
Knees and elbows can be used as well, since they do not get damaged, but if
you hit too hard with them... *Snap*
Anyone else see talent here? :3
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Haha i like it it's good. I need to post a video up of my stuff too, im not TOO bad. I know how to erm...kick? Lmao.

Nice grab though it looked cool make sure your leg don't break next time ^_^.
Originally Posted by DesertPunk View Post
and who cares about damage, to your own guy as long as that damage doesn't break one your joints then its fine.

Not if you're trying to do a flawless replay >.>

Anyways, also try to avoid breaking yourself in replays... It usually degrades the
replay overall. That is, if you didn't break yourself intentionally... Taking off your
hand and throwing it at Uke is an example of accepted self-dismemberment.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Thank you for all nice words and tips :-)

And sorry! Next time ill post in the correct section

And i will try not to loose my leg next time as well ^^
Last edited by Sputte; Feb 5, 2008 at 05:10 PM.
dude you are very good for 2 days, it took me 1 week of playing to be that good, you will be better in no time, and soon you will be doing moves from distances (instead of 100, like the replay, which is 200)

hint: your glutes are very useful at times, i use my glutes in the replay i just made, you might just be like that in about 2 weeks or less

also, contract your legs, extend your ankles, and extend your hips if your gunna try to kick like in the replay, it helps you jump farther and it brings your legs closer to uke to dismember the heck out of him

hope this was helpful!
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mynewarmripmove.rpl (25.4 KB, 9 views)
Last edited by ninjamon; Feb 6, 2008 at 07:42 PM.
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jesus is god. jesus is also god's son. this is confusing. wait, this must mean... that god f***ed himself :O