Original Post
My trys at tricking
Hello again C&C this replays please. I just started tricking so yea.



Last edited by marccod; Jan 26, 2011 at 02:42 AM.
Yar-Har-Fiddle-De-De, Do what you want cause a Pirate is free!
i'm only going to comment the second replay :P

ok so first off i think you have to get better openers(and yes i know u suk at them) but maybe you should practice them because they set off your first trick in a big way =] there important to do

but untill you get better at your openers i suggest you start out the replay in a run maybe?...because it's kinda easier to get momentum for a big trick from a run setup =]...

ok now the way you landed on frame 240 in the second replay was quite bad lol...because your torso was still turned to the right wayyy to much making your landing terrible lol...and your left leg was bent in to much and it made you to low to the ground to turn your torso around in time to do a proper setup for another trick...and that happened because you STILL aren't using shift+space to turn your torso the right way in time for the have to use that shift+space in order to make even a decent tricking replay....

oh and btw i made an edit of the landing part i was talking you can see the difference between my landing and yours...then you will see what i was talking about

watch my edit learn from it for your next replay.....and also USE SHIFT+SPACE DAMMIT!!! lol

and next time post 1 replay at a time or u will not get any comments
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Marc example.rpl (62.4 KB, 15 views)
wanna spar? pm me =]
Eh i suck at openers. Lol, and i know about the chest but whenever i move it, it messes up the landing.

This any better?

Last edited by marccod; Jan 27, 2011 at 12:46 AM.
Yar-Har-Fiddle-De-De, Do what you want cause a Pirate is free!
lol it only messes the landing up because you arent doing it properly....u see i did it and my landing was totally fine :P

and yeah thats better but now you have to take that into another setup for another trick :P
wanna spar? pm me =]