Original Post
The Head Club
i was just fooling around with taking off my head when i came up with this...
Attached Files
head club.rpl (93.5 KB, 35 views)
not a bad replay... it would have been kool if you would have kept his head with your other hand, then stall, that would have been a nice replay.... but over all a 7/10
OG of TB
A man of few words
lol so i got a new one but i'm on a differnt computer so i'll differnt colors... i think...

annyway i take off my head and split uke with it then thow it at his head
Attached Files
adasdasdasds.rpl (137.1 KB, 14 views)
hahaha i remember u making that one... so funny
avatar:DENZEL FAISON, animation: Samule