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[Art] More Hand drawn art
Here's more sketches that needs to be criticized. Rain effects for the win.

And here's a 60's Chevy Camaro

I liek Wars

Kardel Sharpeye in his younger years
Last edited by DarkeVipr; Jan 28, 2011 at 02:11 PM.
Rappunk said I need to put him on my sig :P
"So what if I lied? At least I'm honest about it."
Personally I love that meesy style
The rain effects are good, imo, but at some places proportions could be better.
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc
i love this draws and i love the style how u done
well done mate 8/10
Life is a Nightmare , Wake me up!!!
[8th Dan]-[Ps3♥]-[WTU♥]-[GerU]-[ETC♥ Teacher]
Messy lines? That's my art style. Thanks for all the comments and all that.

Update can be seen on first post. Added a war theme and Kardel Sharpeye from Dota.
Rappunk said I need to put him on my sig :P
"So what if I lied? At least I'm honest about it."
I loved all,
the only thing i see you can modify is that the first pic (the gun one) has to many lines. To many base lines that you didnt delete