Original Post
[DSC]THG jr.
Toribash Hell Guardians Junior
Approved by the Founder himself, jokerstein
We approve from white belt to Green Belt


The clan THG has so many debates for the younglings to join......
So they created a new clan........ THG jr.

Founder jr. : Capricorne

Leader jr.: Heyymandie

co-ldr jr.: Charles7



About the Belts

We accept White Belts to Green Belts only......

When you are Blue Belt, you need to PM jokerstein or Me.....
We will import you from the jr. to the seniors...... And you will be automatically put into the senior members, or you can give extra 3 replays to be an elite...... the jr. will not be official, so you can't use the tag until you are Blue Belt........



No begging for TC
We will kick you if you take someones TC, Scamming other clans, And Spamming 10 times in our thread......
English is our main language, you can use Bahasa only for 3 times.


THG (seniors)
single ally
ally application....
Why do you want to be our ally?
Single ally or Clan ally


single enemies
Enemy Application....
Username ( can only single enemies):
Why do you want to be our enemy?:

Here is our seniors.... click to this link
Last edited by Capricorne; Jan 27, 2011 at 01:21 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Recruiting Me Moderators
Ex-Me Moderator Moderated Message:
User wasn't infracted because he infracted me first ~Infracted Infractor
Good Job Capricorne..... The thing is, we are not official yet...... So we need help from peoples out there to send as some TC..... As many as you like, but we do not force you to.... And, yes ..... You can be an instant seniors in the senior's clan....... So for the white belts..... Improve your skills and get ready for your final blow...And this is the thing...The otheer thing, we don't accept green belts to beinstant seniors ( because your journey is too near to getting to blue belt) So, the Green Belts need to give me about 6 replays at our or this thread...
Enigma | Indonesian?
rip aelise, she wil b remembrd
I see that you are a part of another clan. Could you please keep this to a single thread, just for simplicity. Otherwise if you want to branch out, please create your own name and DSC. Thanks.