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Veyy's Replays
I will be posting my replays that i consider decent, and to get some feedback/C and C from the community so i can improve

As an aspiring repaly maker, Most of my replays are in classic but i may use different mods from time to time. I like to collab between slow and fluid movements and fast agile attacks but that may not be the case all the time.
constructive criticism please.

Inspiration for my replays are from Oblivion.
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Veyy.rpl (178.0 KB, 21 views)
This is good, but it doesn't go with the real style.
Some times stiff and sometimes random.
By random I mean your first hit wasn't planned for I guess.
Overall a good replay for a beginner you know ;)
If I was a beginner I would give this 10/10
<Marco> and then Oblivion tried to sexually assault me
<Oblivion> and Marco wasn't surprised at all
I know i need to fix that but my replays need to get better the first hit wasn't on purpose but i didn't want to change it and mess up what I had, thanks for the brutal criticism I will try and do better through out my replays.
I wan't to be as good as Oblivion and that's a tough goal but i'm going for it also I want to learn how to be realistic without looking drunk.
Because I have noticed when you are to relaxed you look drunk and then when your stiff you look nooby. But again thank you for the c and c I need to do way better and take your replays as an strong example.
New Replay after this I'm going to Upload in Bulk.
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Last edited by Veyy; Feb 1, 2011 at 09:12 PM.
I agree with robber - The opener was good but it seemed you got lazy half way through >.<
Maybe at least you should go for the decap
5/10 ...