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How to run
Okay,this is not really hard.Let's start.
Pick The mods,running.tbm(for beginner)
First contract abs and both hips.Then press c to hold all.Extend both hips,contract elbow,and relax both pecs.
Second contract right hips and relax right knee.Space 2 times.
contract left hips,extend right hips and relax left knee.Space 3 times
extend left hips and contract right hips.Space 3 times
but don't think you do that repeat times.if you do that again,you fail to run.
contract left hips and extend right hips.SPACE 4 TIMES.
extend left hips and contract right 4 times.

Now you do that again(repeating the movement).
Thank you to Verax(on youtube his name veraxo)and his friend..