Original Post
[Vid] Happy trails

Actually this is my first video i made like this,
i just need to know if there are any flaws
or whatever needs to be fixed ill fix.
or just rate it from 1 to 10
it needs some work...
you need to practice freecam also transitions between replays can improve, better text and try to put some effects.

I like the shaking camera thing.more synch.
All that berserker10 said but i would also like to add that the camera seems to be too far from your Tori. I don't care where the leg or what ever body part that is broken lands, I just want to see it broken.
The shaking was a cool addition especially with the music, and the sync was alright. 4/10
bad song choice
no sync
replays arent good
poor transitions
javascript code:
function () { alert(' you re sexy waffle ! '); };
at all a pretty solid 5/10

What i did like:
The Music Choice was good i enjoyed the song.
Replay's were destructive and interesting. But try to make some decaps and tricks next time.
Also i liked the middle part where you said THE END "WAIT!" and how the video ends also a very nice and good idea.
Also that you didnt use that many shaders that was good in my mind a good video needs as low shaders as possible.
Also Shaking cam was very interesting and very clean i liked her.

What you have to work on:
Pretty much next time choose a song where you do the sync and all dialord is right there is no sync but how could've you done the sync? It's hard to sync to this song at all.
The Intro was pretty boring try the intro with something else not a heart i mean why is there a moving heart?
Also the replays should be a bit more trickey and try to add splits and decaps not only 5 and more destructions.

Pretty much the video is good in my mind for your first video "Like this".
You will have to improve your skills but you will make good videos in my mind.
I didint really like the start...and you really have to practice freecam.The song was kinda good and replays as well but no sync at all...6/10 becuz its your first vid.
message originally posted by GOD
There was good sync until 36 secs
The transitions were... ehh, there ok
There weren't really any effects except for the first part
and the song just seemed to repeat it self over and over O_o
but its not bad for a first 6/10
Last edited by Tyme234; Feb 6, 2011 at 04:48 PM.
This acc is dead
not bad for your first video !
the replays are okay but not special
and the effects are too okay
well the song u could choice better one
Life is a Nightmare , Wake me up!!!
[8th Dan]-[Ps3♥]-[WTU♥]-[GerU]-[ETC♥ Teacher]
I'm not going to be nice because it's your first video.

The replays are horrible. When switching shaders, you kept the same one for longer than it needed to be. Same transition. Almost NO sync. Song didn't fit. No freecam, making the replays hard to watch, since the normal camera is so far back.

Looks like you just put replays together and put some WMM transitions and a shake here and there.
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up