Original Post
Works from Luminusian's Deranged Mind
Ohi. New replay thread. Old one was dying. The old one is here.
Attached Files
(Lumi)Empty Room.rpl (221.9 KB, 127 views)
(Lumi)Vivio.rpl (125.4 KB, 76 views)
yeah ok
not bad replays, My favourite is empty room, but I liked the others too. in ur last replay you were like "what the fuck am I doing with my head..." u were so random, but after that the skeetcap, and the boom was nice.

7.5/10 overall for all the replays.
I liked your 3rd replay the most, followed by the 2nd one. Your first one was ok, but it was a bit too grabby for my taste.

I'd say 8.5 maybe a 9 for all your replays
Sing it out for the ones that'll hate your guts!

Broken replay removed, upload it to some media hosting site and link it here ~Juhizz
Last edited by Juhizz; Feb 16, 2011 at 02:15 PM.
yeah ok