Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Um, loks ok to me but there are some things that should be fixed.

1. The hair looks like a cap, try fixing that and make the "Hair-spikes" look better cause it looks flat
2. make a lil more distance between the mouth and the eyes.
3. Raise the position of the face in general.


I know you can do better than this.
1. i'm too dumb for that <.<
2,3. I placed those things like this, cuz i tried to make the hair look "big".. and i think this looks good!
BTW: should i make a set ? ^^

..and why do u know that i can make it better than this?
Last edited by Zkyy; Feb 18, 2011 at 06:17 PM.
lol im in love with the eye not covered with the eye patch looks nice for some odd reason, the eye patch could be better since i can see it just ends at the hair overall nice

Did you use layers to make this? Like putting the hair in a completely different level? The eyepatch could use some work, as I can see where it gets cut off. The hair could use some work, but overall it's an okay head. 7/10.
#Magnus - #Sigma
I dont think its so really great in artistic view but i like it quite alot actually probably because of its style.
Yer theres few things that should be fixed.
Hair "spikes" should be a bit more away from each other as Maylene sayd but just bit not much.
Looks a bit cluttered is it screen or is it what? Oh and some shadowin and highlightin also.
Other than that its nice in my eyes.
Keep the face like its now changin it would make it look weird in my opinion.
@wigwham: what do u think should i do with the eye patch to make it look better? :3

@thenamelessone: No, I didn't used layers, I don't need layers for cartoon heads.
WTF should i do with the eyepatch? <.<

@Danzos: Ty. It's an ingame screen, 512x512.. i was thinkin about shadows or so. i think i will add them.
Last edited by Zkyy; Feb 18, 2011 at 07:26 PM.
The little blue spot right above the eyepatch and below the hair, looks a bit odd. Should be easily fixed.
#Magnus - #Sigma
Lol, which spot do u mean ? the spot in the middle or the spot on right ?
(yes, i can fix it in 10 secs ;P)