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[m] Paranormal activity 2
Lol I watched this last night and it wad really good.

anyone else watch it?
Didney worl mak mah brain go splody
Here! It was easily better than 1st one. Going in I wasn't expecting much but it was decent. Actually scared me a little but 1st one was horrible. Good movie overall I gve it about a 6.5 or 7 out of 10.
[18:19] <@Noah> we penetrate every orifice with corndogs
Honestly I found it really funny yet scary. I'm probably gonna get some hate mail for saying this but

I found it funny when that train kept on going off and chased katie's sister (I never paid attention to their names).

When katies sister killed her dad and mother, I laughed

I admit when the dog had that siezer and got attacked, I felt bad

When the demon locked her out of the house that was pretty funny

But first time seeing it I did get a bit disturbed (like when all the cabinets opened at once, when she got dragged to the basement, and the scene after she comes after the basement when she's in hunter's room and chilling out in the chair. When she dissapears and when the daughter comes to pic up the baby you hear "DONT TOUCH HIM" in a denomic voice)

Overall, I give it a 8/10. I liked it, I just turned it into a humor when seeing it.
I sound like a bad person after typing all of that. I really am not a bad person, but those are my true opinions of it
Last edited by Rfifan; Feb 22, 2011 at 06:53 PM.
RIP [duck] Aug 28 2011 - April 20 2020
It was funny and scary too!
Everybody said that it was bad but i think it is good.
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