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[Solved]IMG tags
Well, i have a problem with the Image posting and stuff.....

Now, when you click "Go advanced" you can see the little button with some mountains on it...
Well, i cliked it, typed the Image url and posted it.

After that, i saw a little icon, and the image wasn't there.

Can somebody help me with this?
I just post the direct image link, then add at the end of the link. Try doing that instead of using the method you're using now.


Like that, the above link isn't working because I used bold in the [/img] part, for demonstration purposes.
Try uploading the pic in an image hosting site first(such as tinypic, photobucket, etc) then view the raw image(image by itself) then copy the URL and follow sly's method
Originally Posted by CherryMod View Post
Eh, tried your method Sly......its still the same....
Ty for the reply doh.

That's strange, it works for the Google Chrome internet browser, but I doubt that has nothing to do with your problem.
Also, they need to be direct links. You can usually find this by right clicking on the image and clicking 'Copy Image URL'. Paste it onto a post, then add the tags.