Original Post
[Solved]TP ?
I saw Fee's shop and...

He says that TP can use animated avatars, I tried and look what said:

You may not upload animated images.

What I do, is my TP bugged ?
TP is ToriPrime, wich means you need TP to have animated avatars.
TP cost real money.
You can buy it from here

Toriprime is a yearly subscription which offers exclusive forum features and functionality these features are listed below:

Unlimited access and usage of the forum's search functions.
The ability to upload a signature image. (450x100)
A larger signature character limit.
The ability to upload animated avatars.
A customisable forum user title (e.g. junior member)
Access to a super-secret private board.

This is what Fee's says in his board:
You can't use animated avatars without VIP
Fee wrote it wrong

The best way to keep yourself motivated is to learn how to hate your life to the point where you want to get revenge on existence itself.