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Classical Music
Are there any other music nerds out there who listen to a lot of classical music? (and for you potential music nerds know that I don't just mean music from the "classical" era)

I am a huge music nerd myself and I was just wondering how many other Toribashers also have similar tastes in music. Of course I listen to many other different types, but a huge part of my life is based around this genre.
I'm a fan of Chopin and Mendelssohn.
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well
Yeah, I've tried to start a thread like this a couple of times. Didn't really work out.

I like Holst, Wagner, maybe some Greig on regular occasions. I listen to loads of other shit otherwise though.
I listen to a lot of classical music, hopefully my career in the future will involve classical music (the job market is pretty rocky :/ ) but my favorite type is definitely romantic or modern music. Ironically enough my least favorite is classical just because it's so simple, but there is still a lot of good classical music out there.

Here are some of my favorite pieces:
Rachmaninov Piano Concerto no. 2

Pictures at an Exhibition - Mussorsky (Ravel)

Of course there are many other pieces I love but these two spring to mind first.
I listen only to classical guitar music, since it's a big inspiration to me as a guitarist. Besides that, not really.
Heh Classical guitar still counts (well depending on what you mean by that), Bach wrote for a lute which is similar so that's pretty cool.
Last edited by Satsu13; Mar 7, 2011 at 12:40 PM.
Define "Classical" if "Classical" is something done by the early years of music as in to the rise of Beethoven then my favorite classical song could probably be Carl Orff O'Fortuna its a classic Opera i also enjoy music by Mozart especially the song W.A-Bourre E played in 2 - 4 Guitars
This is my most favorite classical song of all time. Mainly because of the way it switches between a kind of mysterious mood to a happy one, then back to the mysterious one.